Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Never Fail Pie Crust

This is the pie dough recipe my Grandma Robbins used. the best pie dough I've ever tried or tasted. 


6 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
3 cups shortening
1 egg
1 tablespoon vinegar


  1. Sift flour sugar and salt in a bowl. 
  2.   Add salt, mix well, and add shortening.
  3.  Use pastry blender or rub mixture between fingers until the size of peas.
  4.  Drop egg into clean measure cup.
  5.  Add vinegar to the egg and fill the cup up with water to the top.
  6. Add mixture to the flour a little at a time.
  7. Make four 8-inch double crust pies.
  8.  You can spread each ball into pie plate or store them in the freezer for later use.
  9. When using and baking one crusted pie, roll out on a floured counter top lined with wax paper until about as wide as the pie plate. Fold the rolled out pie dough in half placing a piece of wax paper in the center. Transfer onto the pie plate. Flute with fingers. Bake in an over preheated to 375 degrees for about 15 minutes. Coll then fill with desired pie filling, such as chocolate silk or lemon. 

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